At Lac Hong University

Press coverage of “Strategic partnership announcement between LHU and ASU"

As the higher education landscape is witnessing a transformative shift, LHU continues to affirm its position by officially signing a strategic partnership with Arizona State University (ASU)- the most innovative university in the United States for 10 consecutive years, alongside Cintana Education. This partnership not only marks a key milestone for LHU but also opens up tremendous opportunities for students, faculty, and the entire national education system.

​Representatives from LHU, ASU, and Cintana Education officially commemorating the partnership agreement

This major event garnered special attention from the media. Immediately after the event, numerous reputable newspapers reported on it, highlighting its significant impact on the development of higher education in Vietnam. This collaboration marks a historic milestone, enabling LHU to officially join the Cintana Alliance - a global network of universities sharing a common vision for modern, innovative, and practice-oriented education.

A photo capturing the success of the event

Below are some of the key media outlets that covered this important event.

Lao Dong Tre (Young Labour): Lac Hong University strengthens international collaboration to enhance education quality  

Nguoi Dong Nai (Dong Nai People): Strategic partnership announcement between Lac Hong University and Arizona State University

Thanh Nien (Youth): Lac Hong University establishes a strategic partnership with Arizona State University, USA

Sai Gon Giai Phong (Liberated Saigon): Strategic partnership between Lac Hong University and Arizona State University announced

Giao Duc & Thoi Dai (Education and Times): Lac Hong University collaborates with the most innovative university in the U.S. 

Dong Nai Online: Lac Hong University and Arizona State University announce strategic partnership

Ha Noi Moi (New Hanoi): Strategic partnership - a big step toward elevating LHU to the global stage 

Nhan Dan Online (People's Online): Over 30,000 Vietnamese students are currently studying at U.S. universities

Dong Nai Newspaper: Lac Hong University announces collaboration with Arizona State University 

LHU’s partnership with ASU and Cintana Education is not just a step forward in its development strategy but also a strong commitment to providing high-quality education that meets the practical demands of the labor market.

Dong Nai provincial leaders extending congratulations to both institutions

Moving forward, LHU will further expand its international collaborations, creating world-class learning and research opportunities for students. This milestone not only elevates LHU but also contributes to enhancing the global standing of Vietnamese higher education.


LHU, ASU, Cintana Education, strategic partnership

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